Chapter: Simplifying Processes at Arctic Wolf

Project Overview: I worked on simplifying a highly technical process for editing intentions to create faster and less error-prone workflows for security engineers.

UX Designer

Myself, Betty Lam (UX Designer), 1 Product Manager, 6 Developers, 1 Architect, UX Team

Figma, Miro, Jira, Confluence, Zoom

May 2021 - August 2021

Areas of Design:
User Research/Testing, Designing Workflows, Working With Constraints
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that simplicity is the best solution. Currently, at Arctic Wolf, security engineers must navigate through at least 5 different tools and fight the intricacies of JSON and Git in order to edit customer intentions. Read on to get a sneak peak of how I was able to contribute to making this experience user-friendly and intuitive...


Current Process
Arctic Wolf is the leader in security operations. They offer 24x7 monitoring for each of their customers to protect their networks and ensure that they can carry out their operations without worrying about virus or malware attacks. Customers have many custom configurations that security engineers edit in the form of intentions. Currently, security engineers must go through a cumbersome process of editing the intentions in JSON and pushing their changes to Git. This is overly-complicated and very error-prone.
Design Highlights
As a designer, alongside my co-worker, we took ownership of creating new workflows and designs to simplify the intentions editing process. Here are some highlights from the experience:
• We conducted 2 user shadowing sessions, 25+ user testing sessions with a developed POC and 8 additional feedback sessions for iterations on designs

• After gathering feedback from our users, we took initiative to revisit current workflows and simplify them to be more intuitive

• This project had a lot of technical constraints and a quick turn-around time. We had to work with a variety of challenges and learn to balance many stakeholder requirements

• Our designs have been developed and launched for use to over 200+ security engineers
Project Status
This project is shipped but is currently under NDA. Feel free to contact me if you would like to see some of the design work I did during this work term!